That’s how many 12-inch square beauties are already available for viewing on the Studio Art Quilt Associates auction page. Be sure to click on the What You Can’t See on the Computer link to get more information about the quilts. The auction begins Monday, September 10 at 2 p.m. Eastern time and at this pace I’m betting that we see more than the 309 quilts that last year’s auction sold. This year, a special group of quilts will be selected for sale at the International Quilt Festival — Houston rather than on-line. Contemporary quilt collectors Warren and Nancy Brakensiek will be selecting the quilts for the Houston sale.
I wrote about the quilt that I donated (page 1b of the auction) here and here.
Review how the auction works here and then mark your calendar. I’m sure marking mine!
The competition for these little collectible jewels is pretty intense. So good luck!
I am one of the quilt artist picked to be sold at the Houston show. When I learned this I was wondering if it was better to be in the online auction or going to Houston, but now that I know Warren and Nancy did the selecting, I AM HONORED…
Congratulations Sandra! I hope you’ll be in Houston to see the whole exhibit. If so, be sure to take pictures and share, share, share.