Heather is a painter/print maker, I work with fabric. She hasn’t worked with a fiber artist to create a piece and I haven’t worked with a painter/printer. The process has been an exiting one. The exhibit we’re aiming for opens September 1 and we’re not close to being done yet. I’m feeling the pressure. Our […]
Benefit Auction
309 one-foot square art quilts have been donated for SAQA’s 2011 Benefit Auction. Check them out now and mark your calendar — the frenzy begins Monday, September 12 at 2 p.m. Eastern time and, believe me, they will go fast. I’m coveting several myself. I did not donate this year but I have donated a quilt […]
Textiles and Tastings 2011
I was invited to join eight other artists for the Textiles and Tastings 2011 exhibit opening September 1 at the Shenandoah Gallery in Plymouth, CA. This will be the first time my work has been exhibited at a winery and I’m quite excited about the potential. I will have 4 pieces in the exhibit. One-Color Landscape is […]
WIP – yes, on Friday too
Let’s face it, life is a work in progress and since I shared the news of my Buddha’s Hand on Wednesday — the ‘official’ Work In Progress day — here I am on Friday with an update on the fern project. Lesson learned: Stitching a snug quilting line around a tone-on-tone color scheme is a […]
Under the Influence of Buddha
Or at least his hand. I lay blame for the spell I’m under directly at the feet of my dear friend Peter, who is not a Buddhist but is an incredible chef. Peter introduced me to Buddha’s Hand citron several years ago when he showed me his tree laden with oddly shaped yellow fruit that did indeed […]
Fabric Postcard Auction a Success!
Seven members of Postmark’d Art donated 20 fabric postcards for the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative auction which took place on line in early July and brought in $916.00. The AAQI is a national, grassroots charity whose mission is to raise awareness and fund research. The AAQI auctions and sells donated quilts, and sponsors a nationally touring […]
WIP — Riffing on 3
Goal: Connect the 3 individual fern prints in a way that makes them a comfortable, natural threesome. Can we say Three Musketeers? All for one and one for all? The first idea came so easily it seemed like a gimme: Combine fabrics from the adjacent prints to fill the gaps in height. I like the simplicity […]
Fabric Postcards
Lest you think that I am a one-note samba endlessly printing fern fronds for art quilts, let me share another of my obsessions with you: fabric postcards. These little treasures have been around since the 1970s at least, but my first introduction to them was in 2004 when I read an article in the summer issue of […]
WIP — Woodwardia Fern #3
I love the constant change that takes place as I work on a new piece. The very nature of construction forces me to live with it up close during stitching — then I put it on the wall and view it from across the room. This change of viewing keeps what I’m doing fresh and […]
Mendelssohn – Creating an Art Quilt
People often ask how long it takes me to create an art quilt. That is a very difficult question to answer: Each quilt has a unique inspiration and execution time. Some small pieces have taken a few hours or days. Others have been in the making for much longer. Mendelssohn is an example of the […]
It’s Wednesday, so this must be a Work In Progress. This is the second of three Woodwardia Fern fronds I am threadpainting for a new art quilt. I get these fronds from my friend Jennifer, who has an incredible speciman in her back yard. (Jennifer and I meet each Monday morning, alternating houses, to practice […]
A Little 4th on the 5th
I start most days walking with the boys, Mendelssohn and Taylor, aka Bichon Frise dogs, but don’t tell them that. July 4th was no exception. In fact, a walk on a holiday morning is an especially good thing. It gives me a chance to catch my breath before the preparations for the day begin in […]
Seasonal Joys
Oakland broke a long-standing record on the 28th when the skies opened and we received over an inch of rain. I’ve been closely watching our espaliered magnolia in the back yard which has 6 buds on it, the most at one time! Once open, the blooms seldom linger more than a day or two so […]
Thread Painting
I enjoy all the phases of creating my art quilts, but I particularly enjoy the very beginning of the thread painting. This is the stage where shapes are becoming more clearly defined, taking on a new personality. The process, always very meditative for me, is made more so by the patter of the rain I’m hearing on […]
Fabric Postcard Auction
Eight members of Postmark’d Art contributed 23 fabric postcards to support the Alzhemier’s Art Quilt Initiative raise funds for Alzhemier’s research. The auction begins July 1st and runs through the 10th. Please consider bidding and sharing this information with friends. We’d all love to hear that a cure has been found. The postcard I contributed […]
Inspiration in everything
I am having my own Julie & Julia experience with Rachel Saunders’ Blue Chair Cookbook. Professional cooks refer to her as the Czar of Jam. I purchased her book last year as a Christmas gift for a friend. I realized upon opening it that I had to have my own copy. Rachel is a local girl […]
Work in Progress
I’m making heliographic prints again. I completely enjoy the whole process of creating these prints. With Setacolor Transparent paint by Pebeo, a Woodwardia fern cutting, a few simple supplies and a sunny day, I transform white fabric into a one-of-a-kind piece of art. I’ve used a small amount of fuchsia over turquoise on this print. […]
Foot-Square Fiber Art Auction
Studio Art Quilt Associates is having their annual benefit auction of foot-square quilts beginning in September. I have donated a quilt for the last three years. Here’s the piece I contributed for the 2009 auction. You can view all the quilts that were auctioned in 2010, quilts donated for the 2011 auction and learn how the […]
Just Do It!
For most of my life I’ve experienced “Aha!” moments in the shower. Last year I got back into the pool and I’m finding that those times of clear thinking — and the big “Aha!” — are coming more regularly. Perhaps it’s because I’m wet longer in the pool than during shower time. I do know […]