Lendon finds inspiration for her art in the letters and poetry of her favorite authors and she shared her sources and techniques in Inspired by Lives and Letters. I shared her Regency fold envelope and plaster pages here. This time I will share a second envelope fold she shared and some pen and ink work. […]
Plaster Pages
I can hear your reaction to the title of this posting. “Huh?!” or something close to that, right? Well, the answer is another on-line class, this one called Inspired By Lives and Letters with Lendon Noe. Find the class through Seattle artist Carla Sonheim. Lendon Noe is a native of Jackson, Tennessee, and was a […]
Botanical Illustration
I spent this past weekend immersed in a botanical illustration class at Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA) with instructor Lynn Kitagawa. Lynn has worked for the VA Medical Center as a medical and biological illustrator for 30 years. She has an undergraduate degree in biology in addition to an MFA. And she is a […]
Botanical Printing and Natural Dye Part 3
After several days of printing with the larger pieces of fabric, Kristy brought out note cards for us. What a great bonus! Here is my first bundle of 5 note cards ready for a bath in cochineal. And here are the iron blankets and the cards. Again, so fun to have two prints in this […]
Botanical Printing and Natural Dye Part 2
If you missed my first installment sharing the results of a 4-day class on Botanical Printing and Natural Dye, just click here to be all caught up. A reminder that I am not showing everything I did in this class, just the pieces that I found the most exciting and that I can see using […]
Botanical Printing and Natural Dye Part 1
I spent four days in early July with Kristy Kun of Opulent Fibers and three classmates learning about the process of botanical printing and natural dyeing. Kristy spent the week before our class preparing the fabrics with mordant — a substance that prepares the fibers of the fabric to bond with natural dyes — and […]
Hand of the Artist
I was at Art Quilt Tahoe last week taking a class with Lorie McCown. Lorie is a fiber artist and a painter so she brings a lot to the table. She is keen on creating work that reveals the hand of the artist. Her work is created by layering fabric which is held together with […]
French Knots and Finger Cots
I’ve completed the on-line course at Craftsy with Carol Waugh. I have thoroughly enjoyed working through her methods, constructing my own machine stitch reference and doing some needle work I haven’t done in many years — embroidery. I used a fat quarter of fabric to create my surface design. There is extensive machine work in […]
Back to Basics
When concentration eludes, it’s time to dig into some basics. Lucky for me, I’ve just begun an on-line class through Craftsy with Carol Ann Waugh. Stupendous Stitching focuses on using the decorative and utility stitches on your home machine to create your own personal surface design. It’s not surprising then, that the first assignment is […]
Surface Design on Textiles with Lonni
I’ve just returned from Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove where I took a class with Lonni Rossi through Empty Spools Seminars. Lonni has been designing fabric collections (5 or more a year) for Andover Fabrics for 12 years and she shared her techniques for creating designs on textiles using Setacolor paints, silk screens, stencils […]
Zentangle Class
I took a beginning class with Grace Mendez on the art of zentangle. Zentangle is an easy-to-learn method of creating beautiful images from repetitive patterns. The tools we used to create the drawings include a pencil, a smudging stick, Sakura micron pen 01, and paper tiles which are mould-made, acid-free, 100% cotton, heavy-weight print-making paper […]
Skill Building with Jenny Lyon
I’m always interested in learning new quilting designs and generally building my free-motion quilting skills. Jenny Lyon — quilter extraordinaire, teacher and friend — teaches at several quilt shops in the Sacramento area. I asked her to come to my home to share her skills with a small group. My friends Aileyn, Jean, Dolores and […]
Broken Color
I spent all day Wednesday hanging out with three friends — Denise Oyama Miller, Aileyn Ecob and Jean Jurgenson — learning a design technique new to three of us. Last year Aileyn and Jean said they wanted to learn about the technique Denise uses in some of her art quilts. She calls it broken color […]