I’ve just completed fabric postcards for the 20th round of trading with Postmark’d Art. The theme for the group I am trading with is handwork. I used Carol Ann Waugh‘s method for combining decorative and utility stitches on the sewing machine with simple hand stitches. You can see my first work using her techniques here. […]
Postmark'd Art
White on White Done
The four designs I chose for the White-on-White theme with Postmark’d Art are done. Ta da! This has been especially satisfying for me because the inspiration for the 4 designs was immediate and all are completed before the official start date for the trade has begun. Believe me, it doesn’t always happen that way so […]
More White on White
The background fabric here is white with some hints of cream. I used metallic white thread for the leaves of the sunflower — though you cannot tell that from this photograph. And the beads are pearl finish, so they have a sparkle as well. The background fabric is fused to fast2fuse™, always my first choice […]
Fabric Postcards – White on White
The new round of trading has not yet begun for Postmark’d Art but the theme ideas that are being voted on are inspirational — particularly White on White. The trade (our 19th round!) will officially begin February 1 so I have time to play with some ideas that are bubbling up. I couldn’t resist pulling […]
Vintage Hawaiian Postcard
My friend Heather was in Hawaii for the Thanksgiving holiday and she mailed me a postcard made of wood with a vintage design. Click on image for a larger view. The design side: And the address side: The card is about 1/4″ thick so had no problem withstanding whatever the postal […]
Fabric Postcards
When I signed on to trade with two groups of Postmark’d Art, I thought I had a good idea about what I wanted to do. As so often happens, though, the ideas kept coming and the postcards I finally created are somewhat different — though I am very happy with them. They also turned out […]
T is for Toile
Postmark’d Art is wrapping up a trade inspired by the alphabet. It has taken us four rounds of trading to get through the alphabet — and what fun it has been! For this round I selected the letter T. Along with a love of gardening, I thoroughly enjoy spotting birds in the backyard. We have […]
Unconditional Love
Can anyone have too much? I think not! Mendelssohn has once again inspired a design in fabric — this time for the postcard trade I’m doing with the Typography theme group of Postmark’d Art. (I shared two of the postcards I’ve already received from this trade here.) Here is Mendelssohn digitized — that’s software speak […]
Postmark’d Art is in the midst of its 16th round of trading. One of the themes that I am trading in is Typography. I’ve received two that I can’t help but share here. Lynn Chinnis used a quote from Ellen Lupton to illustrate her point. Click on image to view larger image. And […]
More van Gogh Inspiration
I showed you half of the van Gogh-inspired fabric postcards I obtained through Postmark’d Art, the international group of fabric artists I am fortunate to be a part of, last week. Here are the other four of the collection. Debbie Geistweidt of Texas was inspired by Cypresses. Her fabric collage is covered with sparkling tulle […]
van Gogh Inspired
Postmark’d Art, the international group of artists I trade fabric postcards with, just completed a trade with the theme Vincent van Gogh. I now have a fabulous collection of eight pieces of fabric art inspired by a master painter. Here are four of them. Meta Heemskerk of the Netherlands created two thermofax screens, one from […]
Starry Night Done
I swung into action last week working on my project for a Postmark’d Art trade and posted about it here. The process for me is always one of adding, viewing on the wall, and adding. It began to look more painterly to me here. Click on images for larger view. One of the […]
Work in Progress: Starry Night
Today is the 159th anniversary of Vincent van Gogh’s birthday. Happy birthday Vincent! The words to Don McLean’s hit song Vincent has been swirling around in my head for several days now and, unlike other times when I’ve found it annoying to have a tune linger this long, I’m enjoying its calming effect. Postmark’d Art […]
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
I was looking through my collection of fabric postcards the other day to create a slide show for the Postmark’d Art site when I came across this lovely postcard that Sherry Boram sent to me in 2006. Sherry is a charter member of this international group of artists who have been trading fabric postcards since […]
G is for Gray
Not so long ago I was distracted by dryer lint and started running amok. That first sidetracked adventure turned into a successful (by my standards) landscape postcard — affectionately known as the Lint Landscape. Well, the adventure continued and here I feel I should explain. My fabric postcard trading group Postmark’d Art is in the […]
The Chop Challenge
Last week there was quite a buzz among the Postmark’d Art group about Chops. No, not the kind you eat, the kind you use to sign your art. Jane Davila had a wonderful story she shared about obtaining one while she was teaching in Korea earlier this year. That prompted the question of where one […]
Postmark’d Art Has a New Face
Postmark’d Art, the on-line community of artists creating and trading fabric postcards through the mail, has a new face! The new site, which now includes a blog, went public Sunday, October 16th. Karen Musgrave of Illinois and Lynn Chinnis of Virginia, both charter members, are working with me to fine tune the information and ease […]
Fabric Postcards
I’m yearning to work in a small format. I have a stack of 5″ x 7″ and 16″ x 16″ fabrics sitting on my cutting board and I’ll be turning those into postcards and 12-inch-square quilts over the next 7 – 10 days. While I’ve been pondering these stacks and the possibilities, my mind has […]
Art in the Mail
The theme I joined for this rounds’ exchange of fabric postcards with Postmark’d Art is Alphabet. It will take several rounds of trading to get through the whole alphabet. This round involves the first 6 letters: A, B, C, D, E, F. There are 6 fiber artists in a group and each person chooses one […]
Fabric Postcards
Lest you think that I am a one-note samba endlessly printing fern fronds for art quilts, let me share another of my obsessions with you: fabric postcards. These little treasures have been around since the 1970s at least, but my first introduction to them was in 2004 when I read an article in the summer issue of […]