Not so long ago I was distracted by dryer lint and started running amok. That first sidetracked adventure turned into a successful (by my standards) landscape postcard — affectionately known as the Lint Landscape. Well, the adventure continued and here I feel I should explain. My fabric postcard trading group Postmark’d Art is in the second round of a trade series based on the alphabet — each round for trading we’ll be using 6-7 letters of the alphabet, members sign up for a letter which they use as inspiration, they create postcards to send to each person in the trade group and keep one for themselves. After four rounds of these trades each member will have a full set of the alphabet. We’re into the second round and the letters available were G, H, I, J, K, L and M. I chose G. While I was felting that first bit of lovely gray dryer lint I hit upon the idea of using Gray as a theme for creating a series of postcards. Not wanting to repeat the same postcard seven times, I began to let my mind wander about the possibilities as I created landscapes. Here’s the second one
That was fun. How about orange?
And gold?
Okay, time to move on design wise and use up the lint. Circles anyone?
And more circles. . .
Fewer circles and the last of the lint. . .
And now for something completely different
So there it is. The creative process beginning with cleaning out the lint trap on laundry day, selecting the letter “G” as inspiration and three different design ideas.
WOW. Wonderful.
Very nice Franki.
I love them all, but the first three are spectacular designs. You are on fire!
Thanks everyone! This has been a fun project. The other trade group I signed up for is van Gogh. I’ve got my thinking cap on!
Lots of nice cards!