It doesn’t seem possible but it’s true — June 15th marked my one-year anniversary as a blogger. Keeping my commitment of twice-weekly sharing helps to keep me focused on my goals. (Notice I did not say that it means I achieve all of them!) It’s been quite a year and I’ve enjoyed having you with […]
Golden Gate Diamond Anniversary
At last the mighty task is done; Resplendent in the western sun The Bridge looms mountain high; Its titan piers grip ocean floor, Its great steel arms link shore with shore, Its towers pierce the sky. From the poem “The Mighty Task Is Done,” Joseph Strauss, 1937. In addition to remembering our men and women […]
Let’s Talk Turkey
Congress debated for 6 years before naming the bald eagle as the symbol of our country. And though there doesn’t seem to be a congressional record of his opposition, Ben Franklin shared his views with his daughter Sarah Bache in a January 26, 1784 letter: “For my own part I wish the Eagle had not […]
Time Travel
The phenomenon of social media has tweaked lives, mine included. Just this week I checked out a photo album on a site for Frankfurt American High School and found 2 photos of myself in my drill team uniform on the football field. (Frankfurt is one of 2 high schools I attended in Germany during the 1960’s; I […]