Eight years ago I shared a poem that I’ve had on my desk. The historical days we are living now are a good time to be reminded of this. How to Recognize Grace by Marilyn Chandler McEntyre It takes you by surprise. It comes in odd packages. It sometimes looks like loss, or mistakes. It […]
3-Year Anniversary
Today is the 3-year anniversary of my first blog posting. Keeping a commitment to this blog — really a form of journaling — is part of my sincere wish to be a person who lives in the moment. Being mindful of what is happening — the big events as well as the tiny ones — […]
Thoughtful Tuesday: Recognizing Grace
A month or so ago I came across a short poem that demanded my attention. I’ve had it on my desk since first reading it. How to Recognize Grace by Marilyn Chandler McEntyre It takes you by surprise. It comes in odd packages. It sometimes looks like loss, or mistakes. It acts like rain or […]
One-Sentence Journaling
Late in 2009 I learned about a woman who began keeping a one-sentence journal in an attempt to capture highlights of her life on a regular basis. I thought it was a great idea and something I could commit to. For ease, I decided to keep it on my computer and augment the written journal […]