The Lint Landscape is done! And I’m quite pleased with it. It seems to have a nice structure, movement and a bit of whimsy. Click on image for a larger view.
Whodathunk that a mundane weekly task like laundry could lead to the creation of art? I’ll admit that needle felting has been on my mind lately — but this little landscape would not have come into being if I had not be observant enough to notice the great color of the lint. This has been a great reminder to keep my eyes and ears open to the possibilities that are at hand every day.
In what unlikely place have you found inspiration that drove you to your studio?
See the beginnings of this project here.
Whodathunk is right. I like it.
Thanks! It was a fun little distraction.
Nice one Franki!
and who dares “thunk” what my kids will comment when they learn I’ve started hoarding dryer lint!
I’ll need come up with treasures like your nifty landscape.
I wonder how a cityscape in lint would turn out!
Cityscape? You go girl!
Lovely piece!
I’ve sometimes thought that I could make something with all the hairs, that are being shed by our three dogs :-). That would have been enough to fill an entire room with walll to wall carpet!
Ha! There is a bit of hair from my bichon boys in there. Happily you cannot make it out once it’s all needle felted.