Last month I had a vase filled with gorgeous tulips. I took many photographs of the flowers as they opened. This photo inspired the piece I am working on now. I chose to use a method that I learned from Denise Oyama Miller several years ago — she calls it broken color. I like the […]
Notebook/Notebook Cover
Inspiration and Hand Work
I’m still getting things just so in our new condo in Portland. Just this week I brought out my collection of foot-square art quilts purchased through SAQA’s annual on-line benefit auction. (This year’s auction begins September 16th but you can view some of the art that will be available and read about how the auction […]
Small Notebooks
I’m back in the studio working on a couple projects. I have some fabric I created in a surface design class some time ago and I’ve been creating small notebook covers with it. These little things are so handy and at just 4.5″ x 3.25″ they tuck into whatever you carry. When you’ve filled the […]
Small notebook cover
I took out a small piece of fabric this week and did some simple surface design work. I left some blank spaces so that I could add a bit of hand stitching. I have several small notebooks (4 1/2″ x 3 1/4″) in my stash that need a nice cover for them and, frankly, I […]
Small Notebook Cover Variation
The handmade papers I am using to create notebook covers has provided new challenges. The specific concern is how the paper will endure regular handling and storage in a purse or other container that will probably have other objects in it. The point of making these covers is to make them practical to use. So […]
Small Notebook Cover
My sister Christy (she gave me molas that I turned into notebook covers) was here for a visit and brought a hostess gift wrapped in handmade paper and tucked into a bag made of handmade paper. A triple treat! I simply could not resist using the paper to create a notebook cover for one of […]
Notebook Cover and Postcards Embellished
I headed for Blue Door Beads — I just love the name and, yes, they have a blue door — this morning to find something special for the closure on the notebook cover just completed. I think I found just the right thing (click on image for larger view): I had fun choosing the fabric […]
French Knots and Finger Cots
I’ve completed the on-line course at Craftsy with Carol Waugh. I have thoroughly enjoyed working through her methods, constructing my own machine stitch reference and doing some needle work I haven’t done in many years — embroidery. I used a fat quarter of fabric to create my surface design. There is extensive machine work in […]
Another Notebook
My calendar said “Continue Sunflower piece” but my time was used for unexpected things — what most of us call “Life.” When I walked back into the studio I knew I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to produce quality thread work. Fortunately, I had supplies for a notebook cover nearby and a very […]
Distracted by a Notebook
Taking classes is a good thing. The object of the class is of interest and one always learns something new, no matter how packed your tool kit is when you enter. I took a class earlier this week whose focus was using an embroidery machine. The project for the class was a notebook cover. I […]