I’m back working on the Woodwardia fern quilt and am reminded once more how much I truly enjoy each step in the process of creating an art quilt. Right down to the final hand stitching of the binding, I’m enjoying the work.
Having just completed smaller pieces with much smaller quilting patterns, this takes focus, focus, focus to be sure I am stitching an appropriate size for this large quilt. After thirty minutes or so the new size will be in my body and I’ll be in a more zen mode — a happy state to be in. I’m satisfied with the pace of my progress. Don’t fret about the blue lines — those are made with a water-soluble pen and will disappear easily when I block the quilt. I have another pen that creates white marks to show easily on dark fabric and those marks are removed with heat. Perfect tools for the task.
I’ll be at the artist reception for Textiles and Tastings 2011 at the Shenandoah Gallery in Plymouth tomorrow afternoon. I hope to see you there!
Hey, Frankie, Love this kind of reflection on your art in progress. Love your new sugarlips on your FB foto. Yeah!