It is always an honor to have my work accepted for exhibit. Ginkgo Dust Up has been selected for Art Quilts 2, a Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) exhibit which will open at the California Heritage Museum Monday, June 14, in Santa Monica. Of 198 quilts entered by 85 artists just 57 quilts were selected […]
art quilts
Art Quilts Exhibit Covered in Machine Quilting Unlimited
Publicity about fiber art exhibits is always nice. I mentioned earlier publicity the exhibit received here. Machine Quilting Unlimited magazine devoted six pages in their May/June 2018 issue to feature Art Quilts: Works by Members of SAQA California & Nevada regions. Click on image for a larger view. I was thrilled that they chose one […]
Art Quilts Exhibition Gets Radio Time
Edward Goldman on KCRW’s Art Talk shared information on three current exhibitions in Southern California — one is the Art Quilts exhibit at the California Heritage Museum in Santa Monica. I have two pieces in this exhibit and, though he does not picture either of them, I encourage you to check out his short broadcast. […]
Accepted into Art Quilts
I am thrilled to announce that two of my works have been accepted for Art Quilts, a juried exhibit of the California and Nevada regions of Studio Art Quilt Associates. The call for this exhibit simply stated that “Art Quilts…seeks to display outstanding contemporary textiles created by SAQA regional members from both the Southern CA/Southern […]
Artist Reception at Firehouse Arts Center
I attended the artist reception at the Firehouse Arts Center in Pleasanton last night. It was the opening day for exhibits including the California Watercolor Association — 75 artists had work hung — photo montage and collage artist, Deborah Griffin, and me. Click on image for larger view. Yes, the center is a former firehouse, […]
If Ginkgos Could Talk for The 100
If Ginkgos Could Talk is ready to go to its new home. Click on image for a larger view. This is my contribution to Virginia Spiegel’s ACS Fundraiser The 100. This one-day event happens on February 4th. It’s not too early to mark your calendar because the first 100 patrons to sign up and contribute […]
Happy Creative New Year
My last posting was on Christmas Day. From there daily events took over and I missed my usual schedule of posting. It happens. I’m over it. I’m on to the new year now. I know it’s official because I just took the first images of 2015 and created a folder for them. Here is a […]
Ginkgos in the Round Accepted for VAM Exhibit
I am thrilled to share the news that Ginkgos in the Round will be part of Visions Art Museum’s website exhibit Stories. VAM invited its artist-level members to submit their work for on-line exhibits this year. See the first two exhibits — Wild Thing! and Up/Down — here. I applaud their continuing and creative ways […]
Ginkgo Dust Up Headed to Dili, Timor Leste
I am thrilled to announce that as part of the U. S. Department of State Art in Embassies program, Ginkgo Dust Up will be on exhibit in the U.S. Embassy residence in Dili, Timor Leste, beginning this spring. The curator for this exhibit explained that the theme for the new exhibition is fiber art. Fiber plays […]
“The 100” Fundraiser is coming!
I am honored to be an invited artist for “The 100” to be held on Wednesday, February 4, 2015. The goal for this fiber fundraiser for the American Cancer Society is to raise $10,000 in one day. How? Yes, once again Virginia Spiegel is at it! Fiberart For A Cause has already raised $240,000 through the […]
Rain and Quilting
These two are a natural — rain and quilting. Here in Northern California we’re well into our worst drought on record so we’re especially happy to see the rain. Everything in the garden looks hopeful with a clean face. Click on an image for a larger view. And while the garden was getting a bath, […]
Hand of the Artist
I was at Art Quilt Tahoe last week taking a class with Lorie McCown. Lorie is a fiber artist and a painter so she brings a lot to the table. She is keen on creating work that reveals the hand of the artist. Her work is created by layering fabric which is held together with […]
Arts Guild of Sonoma 2014 Invitational
I’m the lucky recipient of an opportunity to hang a piece of my art work at the 2014 Arts Guild of Sonoma December Invitational! This will be the second year I’ve received such an invitation thanks to Carol Larson, my friend and member of the Guild. You can see a portion of last years’ exhibit […]
1000 Quilt Inspirations Update
In early March I learned that my work will be a part of 1000 Quilt Inspirations, edited by Sandra Sider and published by Quatro Publishing Group USA. The book is scheduled for release February 2015. Part of the publisher’s teaser reads: As one of the core, traditional crafts, quilting is enjoyed by countless enthusiasts around […]
SAQA Auction 2014
Each year Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) holds an on-line auction as a fund-raiser. Members of SAQA donate a 12″ x 12″ art quilt for the auction and purchases help to increase the recognition of art quilts and the artists who make them while supporting SAQA’s exhibitions, publications, and education outreach. Thanks to donors and […]
Ginkgos in the Round Fini
I have made it a practice not to begin something new until I have completed the current project and most of the time I stick to that habit. I’m very glad that I broke from my routine and created Ginkgos in the Round. It was a very satisfying project which I think could yield a […]
Ginkgos in the Round
I’m in the midst of a couple large projects and seem to be moving slowly on them. In the course of working, though, ideas keep crowding my mind. I truly believe that the more one creates, the more ideas come to mind — sometimes, though, it’s a bit overwhelming. One of the ideas I was […]
Black Oak II Done
Black Oak II, the companion piece to Black Oak which is in progress, is done. Click on the image for a larger view. I tend to quilt every inch of background on my art quilts, but for this 12″ x 12″ art quilt, that didn’t feel like the way to proceed. I kept hearing ‘simplicity’ in […]
Black Oak
I’m still working on my Native California plant series. I completed the top for Black Oak which will finish about 26″ x 60″. I really enjoyed putting this one together using some of my ‘radiator series’ fabric created in Lonni Rossi’s surface design class at Asilomar, some rust fabric experiments and some sun prints. Once […]
Oakleaf Hydrangea II Accepted
I’m very pleased to share that Oakleaf Hydrangea II has been juried into the 4th Annual International Juried & Judged Show and La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum, La Conner, WA. Click on image for larger view. The exhibit will be on view October 3-5, 2014 La Conner Maple Hall and the Civic Garden Club […]
Broken Ginkgos II Accepted for Pip Squeak
I’m very excited that Broken Ginkgos II has been accepted for the 12th annual international juried art show at Northbrook Public Library. This year’s theme, Pip Squeak, focuses on small works of art — not to exceed 12″ in any direction for 2D works and 9″ for 3D works. The Call states, in part Pip […]
Quilting Sunflower Scrap VI
There have been unforeseen interruptions that kept me away from quilting this large piece. I last shared progress on it here. Sometimes a long period away from a particular work can mean that new layers of inspiration have the time to fully develop. In fact, I’ve made a change to the original plan by adding […]
Fiber577 and Angelwood Gallery
Two of my pieces have been accepted for two exhibits beginning in June. The first is Fiber577 at the 577 Foundation in Perrysburg, Ohio. This juried and judged exhibit will feature over 75 pieces of fiber art. Cynthia Lockhart will select recipients of the Best in Show, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place Awards. I just […]
Collecting Art
Next to making art, collecting art is something I do as often as my budget will allow. My collection is modest and well-loved. And I don’t have everything hung on walls all the time. I enjoy moving art into new locations, tucking a few away to find a new home in the future. Rotating art […]
Progress on Sunflower VI
Progress, though slow, is being made. I decided to add a few large motifs in the background fill quilting. Here is the top portion of the quilt where I’ve added a leaf and berry spray (click on the image for a larger view): I have a variety of designs and design sizes with the dominant […]
Back to the Sunflower
It’s not usual for me to step away from a large project the way I have with the sunflower scrap piece, but I certainly did. Time to refocus and move this project forward. Progress may continue in a slow manner, however, because I do have several small projects that are time sensitive and need to […]
1000 Quilt Inspirations
I’ll be at least one in a thousand — that’s the news from Quarry Books, the publisher releasing 1000 Quilt Inspirations, a new book to be released in the near future. Dr. Sandra Sider, a New York quilt artist and independent curator, will be selecting the winning designs. The Call for Entries states, in part, […]
Getting It Right
Not always an easy thing, this ‘getting it right.’ Sometimes it takes days, weeks, even years. I’m just speaking for myself, of course, though the thought of such masters as Beethoven, Mendelssohn, van Gogh — and more — leap to mind when it comes to revisiting earlier works for a bit of tweaking. Some of […]
Another Notebook
My calendar said “Continue Sunflower piece” but my time was used for unexpected things — what most of us call “Life.” When I walked back into the studio I knew I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to produce quality thread work. Fortunately, I had supplies for a notebook cover nearby and a very […]
Olive Hyde Gallery Exhibit
Seven of my pieces have been accepted for the 46th Annual Textile Exhibition at the Olive Hyde Gallery in Fremont, California. I’ve had my work at this gallery in the past, but not with so few artists — six artists have work in this exhibit. My five Sunflower Scrap pieces, Woodwardia Wonder and Oakleaf Hydrangea […]