I have been taking my time on the project. In fact, I worked at a couple other projects in between stitching on this one. It gave me some variety and the time I needed to make decisions. To see the beginnings of this project, go here. I had done part of the beading on this […]
Oak Leaf on Felted Wool
I’m stepping out on my own with this piece, using the oak leaf as inspiration. I’ve used this design before here, so it feels like returning to an old friend. I am using two #8 Perle Cotton threads — both part of the Painters Threads Collection by Tentakulum — and beads on the hand-dyed felted […]
Maples Done
The work in progress I shared here is now complete. It measures 12″ x 12″. Click on image for a larger view. I quilted the bottom section using the marks left by the twine used to wrap the fabric bundles during the printing process. They made for a simple, effective design. Then I fussed and […]
Notebook Cover and Postcards Embellished
I headed for Blue Door Beads — I just love the name and, yes, they have a blue door — this morning to find something special for the closure on the notebook cover just completed. I think I found just the right thing (click on image for larger view): I had fun choosing the fabric […]
Sunflowers Under Construction
I so thoroughly enjoyed the series of foot-square sunflower quilts begun in 2012 that you can imagine my delight in learning that the common sunflower is native to California. I’ve launched into a new piece featuring the sunflower but this one will be much larger — I’m envisioning at least 5′ x 2′. I enjoy […]
Distracted by a Notebook
Taking classes is a good thing. The object of the class is of interest and one always learns something new, no matter how packed your tool kit is when you enter. I took a class earlier this week whose focus was using an embroidery machine. The project for the class was a notebook cover. I […]
White on White 4
This is the final design I’ve created for the White-on-White trade with Postmark’d Art. For this design I pulled out my needle-felting machine. I felted the roving directly onto fast2fuse: the first layer of roving is a very light cream-colored wool; the second layer is a scrumptious Angora roving. The Angora is very white and […]
Oakleaf Hydrangea II Fini
Deadlines can be a good thing. I’m not keen on short-term deadlines or a constant stream of deadlines, but an occasional deadline can spur completion of a project which might otherwise remain on the design wall for a very long time. It is easy for me — one who loves every step in the process […]
Progress on Oakleaf Hydrangea II
I’ve completed the quilting on the center portion of this piece and have begun quilting the border. As often happens to me, I have a plan when I start but as I work, more ideas come to mind. I have learned to listen to the conversation that begins between myself and the work. I’m always […]
No One Likes Rejection
but let’s face it, it’s part of life. I do my best to feel the sting of it and then let it go. I received a bit of that sting yesterday when I learned that Woodwardia Wonder was rejected for an upcoming exhibit. I have been working on this piece since last December and I […]
Beads — so many choices
I have been invited by Dinner at Eight Artists to submit work for a juried invitational exhibit which will premiere August 1-4, 2013 at the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach, California. Though I’ve been working on it since December, I haven’t been able to share it here because one of the stipulations of the […]
I’m working on a written tour of my studio that Postmark’d Art will publish next month as part of it’s First Friday series. Check out Suzanna Bond’s tour for a taste of what this series is about. In preparation I snapped quite a few photos of my work digs. This one prompted a recent question: […]
Starry Night Done
I swung into action last week working on my project for a Postmark’d Art trade and posted about it here. The process for me is always one of adding, viewing on the wall, and adding. It began to look more painterly to me here. Click on images for larger view. One of the […]
More Needle Felting
Yum! I am loving the hand of these needle felted pieces. Here is the second half of the crewel-embroidered snippet I found. The cording on the edge was tied around a Christmas gift last year. It’s so fun to repurpose things that come into my life — especially in unexpected ways. Click on an image […]
Needle Felting
I’ve turned half of the crewel-embroidered fabric I needle felted into a postcard. The fabric included a metallic thread stitched around much of the individual motifs, however, after needle felting the metallic thread was cut too much to leave hanging here and there. So I removed the tidbits of broken threads and added my own […]
Precious Metals
I couldn’t resist using the three metals — copper, silver and gold — that I just used for postcards in my next small quilt. I’ve just finished the quilting and I have it prepared to block. Since it’s just 14 inches square right now, it shouldn’t take long to dry. I’ve already decided […]