I have completed three more 1″-circles on my Sue Spargo sampler. I admit that I’ve been picking up this project only during the evenings when I’m up for the level of concentration that it takes to do the work well. I do not like taking work out! And since I am almost done with the […]
Closed Fly Stitch
Toned Down Sampler Part 14
We have managed to get through an ice storm which did a lot of damage in Portland and the surrounding areas and are back to having mild, light rain. We feel quite fortunate in not experiencing the loss of power or any damage to our property that so many others have. We were only inconvenienced […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 7
Instead of the cat face design on Sue Spargo’s pattern, I chose a simple treatment using the Open Buttonhole Filler Stitch surrounded by Cast on Bullion Knot. The Buttonhole filler was very effectively used to create a basket for the second circle in the posting here. And I like it by itself filling the whole […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 5
Oh my goodness! More cuteness abounds on this little circle of grey wool. Palestrina Knot surrounds the circle. Bullion Knot Stitch in alternating brown and yellow rows create the body of the bee; wings are created with Cast On Bullion Knot Stitch; Pistil Stitch provides antennae. Colonial Knots finish the circle. The wings are attached […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 3
There are just two stitches used on Circle #9: The Cast On Bullion Knot and the Colonial Knot. The pattern calls for 8 rows of the Cast On Bullion Knot but I could only squeeze on 6 rows and even with fewer rows you cannot see a smidge of the wool circle beneath. I like […]