I’ve shared an image of a Great Grey Heron that perched on top of the building next to us for an entire morning. It’s always wonderful to see these majestic birds! But on to the Toned Down Sampler and the 3 1″-circles I’ve just completed. The first circle is grounded by the Pistil Stitch in […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 9
I was away last week with friends for a needed change of scenery. As busy as I was kicking the sand and inspecting sand dollars, I did manage to stitch a few of the one-inch circles. For some reason not clear to me, the next circle makes me think of a layer cake with lots […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 7
Instead of the cat face design on Sue Spargo’s pattern, I chose a simple treatment using the Open Buttonhole Filler Stitch surrounded by Cast on Bullion Knot. The Buttonhole filler was very effectively used to create a basket for the second circle in the posting here. And I like it by itself filling the whole […]