Last year I was inspired to felt some dryer lint. When my friend Shari saw this she brought me some of her lint. Initially I thought “Oh no!” I mean really, what if all my friends brought me dryer lint and expected something to be created from it? So I did the only thing I […]
Dryer Lint
Artist in Residence Wrap Up
My experience at Asilomar Conference Grounds has been exciting for so many reasons. Just being at this jewel-in-the-crown California state park is a wonderful experience. Here are just a few reasons why. This is the sunset view from my room. (Click on photos for a larger view.) Walking on the boardwalk. . . Interesting stumps! […]
More Broken Colors
I’m going to be the Artist in Residence for Empty Spools Seminars later this month. Empty Spools has been putting teachers and students together to fine-tune quilt-making skills since 1985. The setting is Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, California, right on the ocean. It just doesn’t get any better. Being AIR is quite an […]
G is for Gray
Not so long ago I was distracted by dryer lint and started running amok. That first sidetracked adventure turned into a successful (by my standards) landscape postcard — affectionately known as the Lint Landscape. Well, the adventure continued and here I feel I should explain. My fabric postcard trading group Postmark’d Art is in the […]
More Lint
Remember the lint landscape from December? I had some lint left over so I felted it. This time I tried something new: I felted it directly to fast2fuse, the double-sided fusible stiff interfacing I use for my fabric postcards. One of my postcard-trading buddies in Postmark’d Art mentioned that she does this. It […]
Inspired Gifting
It’s always nice to know that you have inspired someone to action through your own actions. Well. . . almost always. Just before coming to my home for Christmas dinner, my friend Shari discovered her lint trap was full of pink lint. Remembering my recent post on needlefelting my own dryer lint (be sure to […]
Lint Landscape
The Lint Landscape is done! And I’m quite pleased with it. It seems to have a nice structure, movement and a bit of whimsy. Click on image for a larger view. Whodathunk that a mundane weekly task like laundry could lead to the creation of art? I’ll admit that needle felting has been […]
Distracted by Dryer Lint
I cleaned out my lint trap the other day and couldn’t throw it out. You see, I usually toss the lint so frequently that I don’t have much to toss. Thanks to my recent slovenliness in this area, I had a nice 1/4″ deep pile of lint in an interesting shade of gray. Well, one […]