The opening artist reception for Put Your Best Foot Forward, Foot-Square Works from the Northern CA-Northern NV Region of SAQA was last night at Creative Framing & Gallery in Oakland, CA. The gallery was filled with quite a lovely and lively buzz the whole evening. The gallery is small, making cooperation among viewers necessary. This […]
Kris Sazaki
Furoshiki Fabric Wraps
The ancient art of fabric wrapping everyday items for utilitarian purposes or wrapping an item to be gifted has been fast forwarded by Deb Cashett and Kris Sazaki through the February 2012 publication of their book Furoshiki Fabric Wraps by C&T Publishing. For someone who is fondling and manipulating fabric almost daily, this is a […]
Gallery Visit and Quilt Critiques with Sandra Sider
I’m a member of Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) and I share the role of Representative for the Northern California/Nevada region with Sandy Wagner. I had the pleasure of hosting Sandra Sider, President of SAQA, at my home earlier this month. She was in town for other business and graciously offered to conduct a session […]