I found my supply of botanical printed notecards dwindling quite low so I grabbed my pruners and took a walk to gather some foliage. In no time at all I had quite a nice selection of leaves that look devine when printed on Fabriano paper. I am still using diluted soy milk, iron water and […]
More Botanical Prints on Paper
This is getting to be quite addictive, not to mention productive. I’m continuing my experimenting with soy milk for dipping the paper. And I still have an iron mix of 5g iron to 1 quart of water. This time I dipped the cotton fabric into the iron mix then laid it on a dry cotton […]
More Botanical Printing on Paper
Fall is upon us in the Northwest and I find the color and texture of the season completely irresistible. I have to keep myself from picking up every leaf on the sidewalk. A few days ago I decided to let myself scavenge — in the name of art, mind you! — and do a bit […]
Cutting into a strip of the botanical prints turned out to be quite liberating. I’m certain there is a psychological term for it but I’ll just stick with ‘progress’ and be happy for it. I love the shape of a maple leaf and isn’t it wonderful that there are many varieties? Here is a small […]
Botanical Printing and Natural Dye Part 3
After several days of printing with the larger pieces of fabric, Kristy brought out note cards for us. What a great bonus! Here is my first bundle of 5 note cards ready for a bath in cochineal. And here are the iron blankets and the cards. Again, so fun to have two prints in this […]
Botanical Printing and Natural Dye Part 2
If you missed my first installment sharing the results of a 4-day class on Botanical Printing and Natural Dye, just click here to be all caught up. A reminder that I am not showing everything I did in this class, just the pieces that I found the most exciting and that I can see using […]
Botanical Printing and Natural Dye Part 1
I spent four days in early July with Kristy Kun of Opulent Fibers and three classmates learning about the process of botanical printing and natural dyeing. Kristy spent the week before our class preparing the fabrics with mordant — a substance that prepares the fibers of the fabric to bond with natural dyes — and […]
Oregon Society of Artists
I have three pieces of art in 200 for under $200, the November juried exhibit at Oregon Society of Artists. All of the art in this exhibit will be on 12″ x 12″ pine cradle boards. I have mounted three of my fabric postcards, each already mounted on archival mat board, onto the cradle boards. […]
Maple Print
I played with quite a few possibilities for thread painting the final maple leaf prints. I wanted a clear contrast to the weight and value thread I had used the first time around. I chose two threads: a dark navy and a 1960’s green (think Laugh In, mini skirts and Goldie Hawn), both 60 wt. […]
One-Sentence Journaling
Late in 2009 I learned about a woman who began keeping a one-sentence journal in an attempt to capture highlights of her life on a regular basis. I thought it was a great idea and something I could commit to. For ease, I decided to keep it on my computer and augment the written journal […]