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3-Year Anniversary
Today is the 3-year anniversary of my first blog posting. Keeping a commitment to this blog — really a form of journaling — is part of my sincere wish to be a person who lives in the moment. Being mindful of what is happening — the big events as well as the tiny ones — […]
Holidays and Hats
Why is it that many of us feel compelled to put hats on our pets during the holidays? A mystery, really. Here’s what Taylor really thinks: Make no mistake about it — Mendelssohn would rather have a nap than a hat. They are both happy Christmas is over! Now, do I still have the black […]
IQA: Old, New and Wanna-be Friends
Thousands gathered in Houston for the 39th annual IQA Festival, most with the goal of seeing all 1300+ quilts, 1000+ vendors and taking in as many of the 380 classes as is practical. My goal was quilts first, selected vendors (I always have a short list) second, then 2 lectures. It’s always fun to find […]
Keep Calm and Carry On
I recently experienced another birthday and received a card which now holds a front-and-center place in my studio. The front of the card has a birthday cake at the top (replacing the Queen’s crown) followed by KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON in white lettering on red background. The greeting: “Relax. Make a wish! It’s just […]
Mendelssohn Goes to IQF
I’m thrilled to share the news that Mendelssohn has been selected for inclusion in the special exhibit Festival Awareness Project 2013: It’s Raining Cats and Dogs which opens October 31 in Houston and will be on view through November 3. This is the second year of a three-year IQF project intended to throw the spot […]
Unconditional Love
Can anyone have too much? I think not! Mendelssohn has once again inspired a design in fabric — this time for the postcard trade I’m doing with the Typography theme group of Postmark’d Art. (I shared two of the postcards I’ve already received from this trade here.) Here is Mendelssohn digitized — that’s software speak […]
Wordless Wednesday: Taylor & Mendelssohn
Portraiture of the Boys
My friend Win Dell’Ario — award-winning interior designer in Half Moon Bay — recently thanked a client for their business by presenting them with painted portraits of their two dogs. The portraits completed the newly redone mud room with such pizazz! I have been wanting to immortalize by boys for some time and I was […]
Mendelssohn – Creating an Art Quilt
People often ask how long it takes me to create an art quilt. That is a very difficult question to answer: Each quilt has a unique inspiration and execution time. Some small pieces have taken a few hours or days. Others have been in the making for much longer. Mendelssohn is an example of the […]
A Little 4th on the 5th
I start most days walking with the boys, Mendelssohn and Taylor, aka Bichon Frise dogs, but don’t tell them that. July 4th was no exception. In fact, a walk on a holiday morning is an especially good thing. It gives me a chance to catch my breath before the preparations for the day begin in […]