I swung into action last week working on my project for a Postmark’d Art trade and posted about it here. The process for me is always one of adding, viewing on the wall, and adding. It began to look more painterly to me here. Click on images for larger view. One of the […]
Work in Progress: Starry Night
Today is the 159th anniversary of Vincent van Gogh’s birthday. Happy birthday Vincent! The words to Don McLean’s hit song Vincent has been swirling around in my head for several days now and, unlike other times when I’ve found it annoying to have a tune linger this long, I’m enjoying its calming effect. Postmark’d Art […]
Inspired Gifting
It’s always nice to know that you have inspired someone to action through your own actions. Well. . . almost always. Just before coming to my home for Christmas dinner, my friend Shari discovered her lint trap was full of pink lint. Remembering my recent post on needlefelting my own dryer lint (be sure to […]
Lint Landscape
The Lint Landscape is done! And I’m quite pleased with it. It seems to have a nice structure, movement and a bit of whimsy. Click on image for a larger view. Whodathunk that a mundane weekly task like laundry could lead to the creation of art? I’ll admit that needle felting has been […]
Distracted by Dryer Lint
I cleaned out my lint trap the other day and couldn’t throw it out. You see, I usually toss the lint so frequently that I don’t have much to toss. Thanks to my recent slovenliness in this area, I had a nice 1/4″ deep pile of lint in an interesting shade of gray. Well, one […]
More Needle Felting
Yum! I am loving the hand of these needle felted pieces. Here is the second half of the crewel-embroidered snippet I found. The cording on the edge was tied around a Christmas gift last year. It’s so fun to repurpose things that come into my life — especially in unexpected ways. Click on an image […]
The needlefelting machine has been idle for simply too long. Time to dig out the wool roving and do something with it! And look what I found while pulling out the roving. It’s an embroidered snippet (about 6″ x 8″) of who-knows-what that my cousin left me from his estate. It looks like crewel […]