I can hear your reaction to the title of this posting. “Huh?!” or something close to that, right? Well, the answer is another on-line class, this one called Inspired By Lives and Letters with Lendon Noe. Find the class through Seattle artist Carla Sonheim. Lendon Noe is a native of Jackson, Tennessee, and was a […]
on-line class
Sketchbook Skool: Stretching
Sketchbook Skool is an on-line sketching and watercolor school that I have taken several classes with. While I was away, I received an offer for a class that had just begun at a price I couldn’t resist. When I got home I was eager to check in and take the first class with Jonathan Twingley. Jonathan […]
Sketchbook Skool
This is the first week of the second semester with Sketchbook Skool. Danny Gregory is our first instructor. The focus of this 6-week class is ‘seeing’ — not what we think we see, but what is actually in front of us. The lectures are thoughtful; the homework is challenging. First assignment: Draw a piece of […]
Back to Basics
When concentration eludes, it’s time to dig into some basics. Lucky for me, I’ve just begun an on-line class through Craftsy with Carol Ann Waugh. Stupendous Stitching focuses on using the decorative and utility stitches on your home machine to create your own personal surface design. It’s not surprising then, that the first assignment is […]
8 Techniques, Page 2
Skidding to the finish line of this week, I have completed a second page using the 8 techniques of focus in Jane’s Sketching & Watercolor in a Mixed Media Journal class. A week always seems like plenty of time to complete several pages for one lesson. The problem is that I’ve never mastered the art […]
Sketch/Watercolor with Jane
I completely enjoyed the class I took with Jane LaFazio in early 2012 — Sketching & Watercolor, Journal Style — and regret that I haven’t made use of my new skills beyond the class. So I decided to get back into a class with Jane and take it to a new level. I’ve never done […]