I have completed three more 1″-circles on my Sue Spargo sampler. I admit that I’ve been picking up this project only during the evenings when I’m up for the level of concentration that it takes to do the work well. I do not like taking work out! And since I am almost done with the […]
Open Buttonhole Filler Stitch
Toned Down Sampler Part 13
In the past I have come to designs that I felt were too difficult for me. After much hesitation, I passed over them and worked on designs I was confident about. Seeing the unworked circles that I had passed over each time I picked up this project was a blow to my confidence. Eventually, I […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 9
I was away last week with friends for a needed change of scenery. As busy as I was kicking the sand and inspecting sand dollars, I did manage to stitch a few of the one-inch circles. For some reason not clear to me, the next circle makes me think of a layer cake with lots […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 7
Instead of the cat face design on Sue Spargo’s pattern, I chose a simple treatment using the Open Buttonhole Filler Stitch surrounded by Cast on Bullion Knot. The Buttonhole filler was very effectively used to create a basket for the second circle in the posting here. And I like it by itself filling the whole […]