We celebrated the first day of summer this week and this morning I picked our first ripe Early Girl tomatoes along with some basil. Can we say Caprese Salad? The rhubarb is about to take over! It is growing in a 4-foot square raised box. Too bad those enormous leaves aren’t edible! The magnolia I […]
Rhubarb Update and a New Project
If I want to harvest any rhubarb this year from this front-yard plant, I’ll have to remove the blooming stalk. It has reached 58″ tall and competes with the Eddie’s White Wonder Dogwood. Once the stalk was removed I could get a nice shot of the fully opened flowers. The stalk is a full inch […]
Serious Spring Fever
There can be no hiding my joy in seeing all the vibrant signs of Spring — I’ve got the fever bad! I popped tomato plants in the vegetable bed along with seeds for lettuces, radishes, cilantro, parsley, basil and more. While those are busy sprouting, the classic dogwood is in prime bloom. Next to our […]
The Winter Garden
I took a little stroll in the back yard this past Sunday. Though most plants in my garden are saving their energy for the big spring party, there are a few show offs this time of year. My wall of climbing camellia is filling in nicely If these big, frothy blossoms can’t put a smile […]