It’s Official…
Spring is here – – complete with ginkgoes and ducklings! Be strong. Be patient. Be kind.
Spring Sunday
It’s a beautiful Spring Sunday with all our duck family in a row. The ducklings are growing fast. Click on an image for a larger view. This little family and a bunch of peonies from our local farmer’s market keep a smile on my face. What has you smiling? Be strong. Be patient. Be kind.
On the Willammette
Every spring the water feature around my two-building complex called Waterfront Pearl becomes a nursery for Mallard ducks. It is always a joy to see them arrive and watch as the parents teach the babies the survival skills they will need too soon. Every spring our building engineer strategically places a couple of boards in […]
Monday Morning Walk
Spring is here in all its glory. A breath-taking sunrise on the Willamette River flowed into a gorgeous spring morning. A thoughtful person left a hand-painted stone on a bench in Fields Park. There is much to take joy in. Be strong. Be patient. Be kind.
A Trip to the Country
Last week we were more than tired of our own walls and decided to take a drive in the country. We packed a simple lunch and hit the road. It was a beautiful day to be outside. Our destination was the wine country, about 30 minutes away from us. Specifically, Durant Winery in Dundee. We’ve […]
Dogwood on the Willamette
Silent Sunday
Spring on the Willamette River
Wordless Wednesday
First Box From Organics to You
We have been missing the incredible boxes of farm-fresh vegetables and fruits that once came to our door from Shooting Star CSA. After all, it’s spring — so where are the strawberries and asparagus? I have found a local source. Organics to You works with many local organic farms and other sources for organic foods […]
Spring — Just in time!