I am happy to be sharing four new 1-inch circles with you. Three of them are keepers for me — one has the jury out just now. Click on images for a larger view. This particular design had me flummoxed when I first read through the directions. So much so that I skipped over it […]
Sue Spargo
Toned Down Sampler Part 16
I am working on the Toned Down Sampler again and enjoying it quite a bit. More new stitches have appeared in these next few gems which means more challenges. And that translates into spending at least two evenings working on one one-inch circle. They are worth it though — don’t think I am complaining at […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 14
We have managed to get through an ice storm which did a lot of damage in Portland and the surrounding areas and are back to having mild, light rain. We feel quite fortunate in not experiencing the loss of power or any damage to our property that so many others have. We were only inconvenienced […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 13
In the past I have come to designs that I felt were too difficult for me. After much hesitation, I passed over them and worked on designs I was confident about. Seeing the unworked circles that I had passed over each time I picked up this project was a blow to my confidence. Eventually, I […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 10
Here are a few more of the one-inch felted wool circles in the Toned Downed Sampler. I am closing in on the end of the fourth row now. This circle has a border of alternating Italian Knotted Border Stitch and Colonial Knots. At first glance, the Italian Knotted stitch looks like a Fly Stitch. A […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 9
I was away last week with friends for a needed change of scenery. As busy as I was kicking the sand and inspecting sand dollars, I did manage to stitch a few of the one-inch circles. For some reason not clear to me, the next circle makes me think of a layer cake with lots […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 8
Wha-hoo! Coming to the end of the third row. I did a bit of editing on this next circle. The pattern shows 19 Fly Stitch creating the inner circle. I knew right off the bat that I was not going to be able to stitch that many Fly Stitch and have them recognizable. I felt […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 7
Instead of the cat face design on Sue Spargo’s pattern, I chose a simple treatment using the Open Buttonhole Filler Stitch surrounded by Cast on Bullion Knot. The Buttonhole filler was very effectively used to create a basket for the second circle in the posting here. And I like it by itself filling the whole […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 6
I’ve been busy with a few other ‘extras’ this week so have just three of the circles to share with you this time. The first circle in the third row was a lot of fun, once I figured out sizing. The pattern illustrates 23 Tete de Boeuf stitches circling the outer edge with Bullion Knot […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 5
Oh my goodness! More cuteness abounds on this little circle of grey wool. Palestrina Knot surrounds the circle. Bullion Knot Stitch in alternating brown and yellow rows create the body of the bee; wings are created with Cast On Bullion Knot Stitch; Pistil Stitch provides antennae. Colonial Knots finish the circle. The wings are attached […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 4
Oh my! Give me some Very Berry wool, lime green pearl cotton couched down with matching berry pearl cotton, add some Double Cast On Stitch and, violà, a snail. Pretty darn cute. Click on images for a larger view. Next up: a basket brimming with flowers. I’ve had Spring on my mind now […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 3
There are just two stitches used on Circle #9: The Cast On Bullion Knot and the Colonial Knot. The pattern calls for 8 rows of the Cast On Bullion Knot but I could only squeeze on 6 rows and even with fewer rows you cannot see a smidge of the wool circle beneath. I like […]