My latest issue of Quilting Arts Magazine had an inspiring article: Artists Give Back: The Heart of the Home Project by Jamie Fingal. Jamie describes how she gives back to her community by creating and donating art quilts with a house theme to Furnishing Hope, a non-profit whose mission is to transform empty spaces built […]
Back to the Sunflower
It’s not usual for me to step away from a large project the way I have with the sunflower scrap piece, but I certainly did. Time to refocus and move this project forward. Progress may continue in a slow manner, however, because I do have several small projects that are time sensitive and need to […]
Sunflower Scrap VI Progress
Once I’ve made design decisions and have the large elements marked, I have a sense of accomplishment. Of course, there is accomplishment in getting that far, but actually the work has just begun. So here I am making some progress on quilting the sunflowers and vines. When the large designs have been quilted, I will […]
Sunflowers Under Construction
I so thoroughly enjoyed the series of foot-square sunflower quilts begun in 2012 that you can imagine my delight in learning that the common sunflower is native to California. I’ve launched into a new piece featuring the sunflower but this one will be much larger — I’m envisioning at least 5′ x 2′. I enjoy […]
White on White Done
The four designs I chose for the White-on-White theme with Postmark’d Art are done. Ta da! This has been especially satisfying for me because the inspiration for the 4 designs was immediate and all are completed before the official start date for the trade has begun. Believe me, it doesn’t always happen that way so […]
More White on White
The background fabric here is white with some hints of cream. I used metallic white thread for the leaves of the sunflower — though you cannot tell that from this photograph. And the beads are pearl finish, so they have a sparkle as well. The background fabric is fused to fast2fuse™, always my first choice […]
Back to the Sunflower Scrap
I recently shared the beginning of a new project using a scrap of printed sunflower fabric. I thought I had my direction well-defined and that this foot-square piece would be whipped out and on my wall in no time. Nope. That was not the way it was to be. I had some learning and stretching […]
New Work: Sunflower Scrap
Beginning something new is always a shot of adrenalin to the creative flow. While pouring over a stack of Machine Quilting Unlimited magazines, an article by Jenny Bowker (May 2011) called “Starter Scrap Quilting” piqued my interest. Jenny likes to start with a small scrap of large-print fabric, add borders, then extend the pattern of […]
Wordless Wednesday