I am happy to be sharing four new 1-inch circles with you. Three of them are keepers for me — one has the jury out just now. Click on images for a larger view. This particular design had me flummoxed when I first read through the directions. So much so that I skipped over it […]
Toned Down Sampler
Toned Down Sampler Part 16
I am working on the Toned Down Sampler again and enjoying it quite a bit. More new stitches have appeared in these next few gems which means more challenges. And that translates into spending at least two evenings working on one one-inch circle. They are worth it though — don’t think I am complaining at […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 13
In the past I have come to designs that I felt were too difficult for me. After much hesitation, I passed over them and worked on designs I was confident about. Seeing the unworked circles that I had passed over each time I picked up this project was a blow to my confidence. Eventually, I […]
Toned-Down Sampler Part 12
A while ago I shared an update on the Sue Spargo Tone-Down Sampler that I am working on. See here for a refresher. I complained about one of the one-inch wool circles that I shared with you. I didn’t feel I had enough information from the pattern to make an educated guess about where exactly […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 10
Here are a few more of the one-inch felted wool circles in the Toned Downed Sampler. I am closing in on the end of the fourth row now. This circle has a border of alternating Italian Knotted Border Stitch and Colonial Knots. At first glance, the Italian Knotted stitch looks like a Fly Stitch. A […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 9
I was away last week with friends for a needed change of scenery. As busy as I was kicking the sand and inspecting sand dollars, I did manage to stitch a few of the one-inch circles. For some reason not clear to me, the next circle makes me think of a layer cake with lots […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 8
Wha-hoo! Coming to the end of the third row. I did a bit of editing on this next circle. The pattern shows 19 Fly Stitch creating the inner circle. I knew right off the bat that I was not going to be able to stitch that many Fly Stitch and have them recognizable. I felt […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 7
Instead of the cat face design on Sue Spargo’s pattern, I chose a simple treatment using the Open Buttonhole Filler Stitch surrounded by Cast on Bullion Knot. The Buttonhole filler was very effectively used to create a basket for the second circle in the posting here. And I like it by itself filling the whole […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 6
I’ve been busy with a few other ‘extras’ this week so have just three of the circles to share with you this time. The first circle in the third row was a lot of fun, once I figured out sizing. The pattern illustrates 23 Tete de Boeuf stitches circling the outer edge with Bullion Knot […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 5
Oh my goodness! More cuteness abounds on this little circle of grey wool. Palestrina Knot surrounds the circle. Bullion Knot Stitch in alternating brown and yellow rows create the body of the bee; wings are created with Cast On Bullion Knot Stitch; Pistil Stitch provides antennae. Colonial Knots finish the circle. The wings are attached […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 4
Oh my! Give me some Very Berry wool, lime green pearl cotton couched down with matching berry pearl cotton, add some Double Cast On Stitch and, violà, a snail. Pretty darn cute. Click on images for a larger view. Next up: a basket brimming with flowers. I’ve had Spring on my mind now […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 3
There are just two stitches used on Circle #9: The Cast On Bullion Knot and the Colonial Knot. The pattern calls for 8 rows of the Cast On Bullion Knot but I could only squeeze on 6 rows and even with fewer rows you cannot see a smidge of the wool circle beneath. I like […]
Hand Stitching Plus Toned Down Sampler Part 1
It’s been quite a while since I’ve been here sharing what I’m doing. I had begun to slow my pace of posting and then in September I tried to post but my website was in trouble. I have been working since then with a website designer to revamp my site and move it to a […]