I am happy to announce that Woodwardia Wonder has been accepted for The Consilience of Art & Science, a Pence Gallery and UC Davis Art/Science Fusion Juried Exhibition opening at the Pence Gallery January 10 and running through February 28, 2014. All mediums were considered for this exhibit. (Hover cursor over images for more details.) […]
Woodwardia Fern
Visions Art Museum and More!
I simply had to go! The traveling SAQA exhibit Art Meets Science opened on February 3rd at Visions Art Museum in San Diego, CA. My quilt Nature’s Fractal is a part of this traveling exhibition and this is the only West Coast venue. (See the sidebar for an explanation of the exhibit and where it […]
Borrowed From Nature – Artist Reception
The reception for my solo exhibit Borrowed From Nature, was held on Saturday, October 22, from 6 – 8 p.m. One of the nice things about the artist receptions at Creative Framing & Gallery is that they are held several weeks after the exhibit opens — it acts more as a closing reception. Some of […]
Woodwardia Ferns Done
Ahh, there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of a completed project and since this one is done before deadline I’m feeling an extra measure of satisfaction. “Woodwardia Ferns” measures 49″ x 65 1/4″ and is the largest art quilt I’ve made to date. The three heliographic prints were begun in the early summer. These fabulous […]
Textiles and Tomatoes
The moment we stepped outside for our morning walk with the boys I could tell it was going to be a real summer day — you know, the kind of tomato-ripening weather you usually have in July and August. Well, that kind of heat eluded us all summer. But it’s here today and I couldn’t […]
Quilting the ferns
I’m back working on the Woodwardia fern quilt and am reminded once more how much I truly enjoy each step in the process of creating an art quilt. Right down to the final hand stitching of the binding, I’m enjoying the work. Having just completed smaller pieces with much smaller quilting patterns, this takes focus, […]
WIP — Riffing on 3
Goal: Connect the 3 individual fern prints in a way that makes them a comfortable, natural threesome. Can we say Three Musketeers? All for one and one for all? The first idea came so easily it seemed like a gimme: Combine fabrics from the adjacent prints to fill the gaps in height. I like the simplicity […]
WIP — Woodwardia Fern #3
I love the constant change that takes place as I work on a new piece. The very nature of construction forces me to live with it up close during stitching — then I put it on the wall and view it from across the room. This change of viewing keeps what I’m doing fresh and […]
It’s Wednesday, so this must be a Work In Progress. This is the second of three Woodwardia Fern fronds I am threadpainting for a new art quilt. I get these fronds from my friend Jennifer, who has an incredible speciman in her back yard. (Jennifer and I meet each Monday morning, alternating houses, to practice […]
Work in Progress
I’m making heliographic prints again. I completely enjoy the whole process of creating these prints. With Setacolor Transparent paint by Pebeo, a Woodwardia fern cutting, a few simple supplies and a sunny day, I transform white fabric into a one-of-a-kind piece of art. I’ve used a small amount of fuchsia over turquoise on this print. […]