I am happy to be sharing four new 1-inch circles with you. Three of them are keepers for me — one has the jury out just now. Click on images for a larger view. This particular design had me flummoxed when I first read through the directions. So much so that I skipped over it […]
Woven Circle
Toned-Down Sampler Part 11
As a preface to this posting I’d like to mention that the link for sending my posts out to subscribers has been disconnected for many months. I have just managed to get the link enabled again. That said, you have probably missed a few of my posts so you may want to check out older […]
Toned Down Sampler Part 6
I’ve been busy with a few other ‘extras’ this week so have just three of the circles to share with you this time. The first circle in the third row was a lot of fun, once I figured out sizing. The pattern illustrates 23 Tete de Boeuf stitches circling the outer edge with Bullion Knot […]