I have been awarded the Liebster Blog Award by Carol Larson, a serious fiber artist you can catch up with at Live2Dye. This award is given to bloggers who inspire you and have less than 200 followers. The Liebster Award takes it’s name from the German word meaning Beloved, Dearest or Favorite. Oh MY! I’m so honored to receive this award. Thank you Carol.
As part of the tradition it is passed along to 5 bloggers that have motivated and inspired.
To accept the award you must:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them.
2. Post the award to your blog.
3. Give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers that you appreciate and value.
4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.
And now for my 5. . .
Sue Reno originally inspired me to start heliographic and cyanotype printing
Suzanne Kistler beautiful work and relentless creation
Del Thomas road trips and Wordless Wednesday and Corky, oh my!
Sara Kelly Incredible work and unstoppable positive attitude
Karen Musgrave Super high achiever who dares you not to be involved
Thank you Carol and my anointed 5 for inspiring me!
Congratulations and keep up the good work.
makes me want to create a blog too! Awesome!
I am touched. Thanks! Hugs, Karen
Congratulations-of course I think you should have bizillion followers though!
Atta girl. Nice to be recognized. Eh?
Well, thank you! I am honored! Let’s see what I can do to live up to the billing! 🙂
How wonderful! Recognition from peers is so terrific. Congratulations, Franki
I am always inspired by your creations Franki. Congratulations!!
Franki, thank you, you are too kind! And it’s so nice to see your work recognized in this manner. Best of all, I think, are the amazing connections and friendships that have grown out of all our collective blogging efforts.
What a marvelous surprise! Merci beaucoup! You’ve made my day. Now let’s see if I have the computer chops to pass it on.
Sara, you have the chops! Sue, you’re so right. The friendships I’ve gained are priceless! And I’m so happy to pass this recognition forward to those who inspire me. That is, after all, why we’re sharing our lives here. To inspiration!
(and your “fabulous Five”)
My sincere congratulations, it is SHARING people like you that make us lesser mortals strive even harder.You give so much selfless inspiration. I’m so happy for you (all)