Oh my! Give me some Very Berry wool, lime green pearl cotton couched down with matching berry pearl cotton, add some Double Cast On Stitch and, violà, a snail. Pretty darn cute. Click on images for a larger view.
Next up: a basket brimming with flowers. I’ve had Spring on my mind now that the days are growing longer and we are having some sun and blue skies. I’m also beginning to dream about tomatoes from the farmer’s market. A bit premature, I fear, but I can dream. Meanwhile I’ve stitched Pekinese Stitch for the handle and Open Buttonhole Stitch for the base of the basket. The tall flowers are constructed with Fly Stitch and Colonial Knots; the shorter flowers are constructed of Fly Stitch and Bullion Knot.
And more Spring references here with a circle of Spring Leaf wool. Chain Stitch outlines the circle and Whipped Woven Circle anchors the center. I like the spokes couched with the berry pearl cotton, bringing that berry color out to the edge. Simple and charming.
The next circle, #6 in the second row, took several nights to complete. The first night of stitching I practiced the Trellis Stitch. This is a new stitch to me and it took me a bit of time to get the hang of it. It’s rather tricky. The next evening I prepared to work on the circle. The thread is a thick 100% Rayon which defies being tamed with every stitch. It took 4 yards of thread (remember, this is a one inch circle here) and a lot of patience to complete this much:
The next evening I added the Whipped Woven Circle to the center. Once completed, the center circle shows the imperfection of the Trellis Stitch. So be it.
If this is your first visit to my blog, you can catch up with the start of this project here or simply click on the “Hand Stitching” category in the right column.
Stay tuned: I’ll be sharing the final 4 circles of the second row next time.
Be strong. Be patient. Be kind.
They are so beautiful!!!!
Thanks! They are sweet little gems that I am enjoying.
that trellis stitch…be still my heart!
I couldn’t agree more! I’m eager to try it out using a perle cotton, though. It was tough going with the Rayon; the cotton will allow for better control.
And great to talk the other day
Thanks Toni! Yep, staying connected is a good thing.
Thanks Deb!
Your trellis stitched circle is lovely—I liked it even better before you added the whipped woven circle!!
It’s a wonderful stitch all by itself, truly. I have plenty of time to work with it now. It appears in future circles that Sue has included in the sampler. I’m contemplating adding a 10th row of circles at the end of this sampler so I can create my own designs. Stay tuned.
They are all lovely and precious but the trellis stitch is sumptuous too! You’re a brave woman to be contemplating adding another row but I am sure your mind is already working on your own designs so I understand the impulse.
I’ve been stuck in a very uncreative mode for so long that the urge to create my own designs here is a welcome change for me! And I have plenty of time to contemplate that possibility.
I love the ombré effect, even though I know the rayon gave you fits!
Yes, that thread is amazing — and challenging. Worth it for the end result.